Brunswick bowling ball serial numbers 1988
Brunswick bowling ball serial numbers 1988

brunswick bowling ball serial numbers 1988

brunswick bowling ball serial numbers 1988

On top of that, we have a different problem nowadays. Why? Well, back in the 90s manufacturers followed a different method to put their serial numbers on the balls. How Do you read Bowling Ball Serial Number? Some serial numbers may help the manufacturer trace what kinds of materials they used to produce the ball. The numbers at the bottom of the ball tell the manufacturer when they made it, and at what factory the ball was made in, and sometimes it can also point out who made it. So what do these serial numbers specify? Well, these numbers are there to help manufacturers track their produced products.


The serial number is usually found at the bottom of the ball, meaning, you can find it by rolling the ball down the logo. The serial numbers on the bowling balls are very small in size and so they are hardly noticeable. The longer-digit numbers, however, indicate the serial number of the bowling ball. You can see two types of numbers on a bowling ball. So, how do you read the bowling ball serial number? What do they exactly mean? What are the rules behind that? Let’s take a deeper look at that, shall we? What do the numbers on a bowling ball mean? You can get a lot of information just by looking and reading the serial number. But are those numbers meaningless? Of course not! Each digit or letter means something. Even if you have never noticed them, they are there. Surprise! Yes, bowling balls have their own serial numbers.

Brunswick bowling ball serial numbers 1988